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Microscopic view of Coronavirus
Declaring global pandemic
Low Tourism
Stock Market Crash
Olympics' Future doubtful

Microscopic view of Novel Coronavirus
COVID-19 being declared a global pandemic by WHO Director General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, on 11 March 2020
Tourism sector gets badly affected
Stock markets all over the world crash down
Future of Olympics at stake due to the situation, with players and olympic associations of different countries opposing its conduct

About Coronaviruses and COVID-19

CORONAVIRUS are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that can be mild, such as some cases of the common cold (among other possible causes, predominantly rhinoviruses), and others that can be lethal, such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV), and the present-day global pandemic, COVID-19.

CORONAVIRUS DISEASE (COVID-19) is the infectious disease caused by the newly discovered member of Coronavirus family, the Novel Coronavirus, which has a structure slightly different from other members of the virus family. It is typically spread from one person to another via respiratory droplets produced during coughing. It may also be spread from touching contaminated surfaces and then touching one's face

Coronaviruses are zoonotic (check the glossary) in nature.

So to remember, coronavirus is a family of viruses, and COVID-19 is the disease cause by the novel Coronavirus.


The disease appears to have originated from a Wuhan seafood market, a port city of 11 million people in the central Hubei province, where wild animals, including marmots, birds, rabbits, bats and snakes, are traded illegally.

Such markets pose a heightened risk of viruses jumping from animals to humans because hygiene standards are difficult to maintain if live animals are being kept and butchered on site. Typically, they are also densely packed.

The animal source of the latest outbreak has not yet been identified, but the original host is thought to be bats. Bats were not sold at the Wuhan market but may have infected live chickens or other animals sold there.

This came into notice when on December 31 last year, China alerted WHO to several cases of unusual pneumonia in Wuhan.



Serious, isn't it?


Dry cough, sore throat and flu like symptoms

When at least 100.4oF

Discomfort while breathing(in most severe cases)

*Symptoms may appear between two and 10 days after contracting the virus, but it may be up to 24 days.


Temperature Dry Cough Difference in symptoms



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A Patient Recovered From Coronavirus Shares How To Handle It.

Coronavirus: The 37-year-old, who has a PhD in bioengineering, said she was sharing her story "to give people a little bit of hope" through her own relatively mild experience with the infection, which she treated herself from home.

Three coronavirus afflicted patients recover due to innovative treatment by doctors at Jaipur govt hospital

The doctors at govt-run Sawai Man Singh Hospital in Jaipur treated the coronavirus patients with a combination of medicines used for treating HIV, malaria and swine flu

103-year-old Iran woman survives coronavirus: Report

With this, she became the oldest patient to recover from the deadly disease.


During the situations of lockdown and crisis we are facing now, many of us are at our own homes, laying on the bed, watching T.V, or web series. These might give us temporary pleasures, a medium to escape the reality and our anxiety. What if we face an internet shutdown? What to do to overcome our stress and the panic situation then?

In life, we think on all aspects- logical, emotional, psychological, but... never SPIRITUAL. It is thought to be old-fashioned and superstitious by us today, and so neglected. But are you aware, that it is these techniques which are followed by people suffering from ailments, which even the doctors of the highest orders have not been able to cure?

This situation has brought a golden opportunity to all of us to resort to these practices and live a healthy and joyous life ahead. Below given are links to some of the articles on these practices.

At this stage, when we have got time for ourselves, in this period of self-quarantine, why not develop our skillset?


A list of companies have provided free access to exclusive content, premium insights and benefits. A good opportunity to use this time and recreate!!

Software Related

Since the IT industry has been one of the most lucrative industry in terms of pay. With the ever expanding domains of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Ethical Hacking, Data Science, there is and will be a dire need of capable professionals in the industry. Irrespective of your background, what matters is your skillset, and here is the opportunity knocking at your doors to develop yourselves. Apart from the above ones, here are some tracks to look upto:


All of us want to do something unique in life, something by which people will remember us for generations to come. It is this which has resulted in the growth of Entrepreneurship culture, creating a vast array of job opportunities. This is a sector, which has humongous potential of growth in the near future. A very good time to prepare yourselves for your future, and get your basics right. Below given are some tracks in this regard:


Finance has been, and will be one of the most crucial factors for the success of any firm. These people are highly valued and regarded in the market because it is their decisions, which ultimately decides the fate of the company. Also, the knowledge of the basics of Finance is must for every individual, since it helps a person to handle his money wisely. Given below are some areas which one can explore in this field:


Ever thought of why people behave in a particular manner? Why do cultural traditions exist? Or even tried reading people's mind... Psychologists are in demand everywhere, since they provide help to people who need mental support, during the time of some crisis or when their ever increasing stress overpowers them. Also, a knowledge of this would help you to keep your mind cool and calm during any crisis and handle the situation effectively.


A video by the WHO(World Health Organisation on COVID-19 (Courtesy: WHO)

Some FAQs being answered by Dr Randeep Guleria, Director, AIIMS Delhi (Courtesy: India Today)

Some FAQs being answered by Dr Randeep Guleria, Director, AIIMS Delhi (Courtesy: India Today)